Call for Submissions

The first AI for Net Zero Conference will be held from 16-19 December 2024 at the University of Exeter, Streatham Campus, UK.

The conference theme is:

“AI for Net Zero: Accelerating the Net Zero Transition with AI”


AI for Net Zero Conference Themes

The organising committee are delighted to call for submissions for papers or posters exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in addressing net zero challenges. Topics which align with one or more of the following themes are encouraged:


  • grid operation or balancing
  • demand management
  • data analytics to understand customer energy usage
  • Predictive data for energy trading
  • Blockchain technology for power purchase agreements
  • create virtual power plants to understand future deliver options


  • demand management across modalities understand how they interlink on demand
  • AI-enabled transport logistics, maintenance and journey optimisation
  • tools for efficient route planning
  • AI systems to analyse travel planning and maintenance
  • harmonised digital reporting for ships
  • electronic freight transport information

The Environment

  • adaptation and resilience to natural hazards and extreme events, including impact mitigation
  • prediction and management of water scarcity, droughts and flooding
  • improved weather and climate prediction
  • carbon capture and storage and observations and modelling of greenhouse gas emissions to predict and understand the impact of mitigation efforts
  • use of nature-based solutions to deliver net zero
  • enhanced use of sensing systems, models, and data sets to gain understanding of mitigation and adaptation

Agriculture and food system

  • targeting direct emissions from farm to fork
  • improved traits to lower emissions in a range of climate scenarios
  • approaches such as precision farming that reduce or eliminate high-greenhouse gas inputs
  • net zero-related trade-offs in agri-food systems
  • improved land use and soil carbon management including:
    • sequestration
    • modelling of emissions

AI Innovation

  • Digital Twins
  • Physics-informed AI
  • Generative AI
  • Human in the loop
  • Understandable/Explainable AI

Key Dates

Submission Deadline: 7 October 2024

Conference Registration and Fee

Registration for the Conference is now open. Due to capacity limits, priority will be given to those who submit a contribution for the conference, and otherwise given on a first come, first served basis.

There will be a small fee for Registration to help cover the conference costs. The rates are:

Student Rate: £30.00

Early Bird Rate: £50.00 (until 11 November)

General Admission: £100.00

 We will contact you with details of the registration process, once the review process is complete. 

Conference Registration