AI for Net Zero Conference - a brilliant time!

On behalf of the UKRI AI for Net Zero Programme, we were delighted that the first AI for Net Zero conference held on 16-19 December 2024 was such a success!

Over 140 delegates attended the four day conference, with talks and panel events taking place at the University of Exeter on the beautiful Streatham Campus. The four days brought together a community of researchers addressing the challenges of, and seeking ground breaking solutions to the delivery of UK NetZero by 2050.  The conference was co-organised by the projects funded through the UKRI AI for NetZero Programme: Heriot-Watt University, Imperial College London, University of Surrey, University of Leicester, Durham University, Aberystwyth University, together with many more, including Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge, Oxford, Lincoln, Southampton, UCL and Exeter. 

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